One of our strategic objectives is to be flexible to adapt ourselves to the needs of our clients in order to work with them as partners.
We offer the best delivery times on the market
Sales support
We are flexible in our commercial conditions so we can adapt ourselves to the needs of our clients:
- Annual agreements
- Agreed prices for set periods
- Partial deliveries when client requires
- Prices based on batch sizes
Tight deadlines
As part of Grupo Wisco we have more than 1.500Tn of permanent stock of the main bronzes and high tensile brasses ready for machining. This allows us to offer the best delivery times on the market.
We offer the possibility of working in Kanban maintaining a stock of finished pieces in our warehouse and making deliveries based on clients’ requirements.
Qualified workforce
To support our clients we have a team of staff that can offer a quick response.
- Area Manager dedicated to finding the best technical and economic solutions for each client.
- Qualified technical team with years of experience to advise not only on the design and manufacture of the pieces but also on the selection of the most appropriate material.
- Management team always available for commercial, logistical and financial support.

Our client focused client approach in all areas of the company is fundamental to fulfil with our commitments in both quality and delivery times.